Macwesters Club Meet


19:00 - 23:00


Steamboat Tavern
New Cut West, Ipswich, England, IP2 8HN, Suffolk

Event Type

Macwester Association is joining with Debbage’s Marina for a MacMeet at the Steamboat Tavern, Ipswich to celebrate what we hope has been a successful season of sailing for club members.

All Macwester owners, whether club members or not will be most welcome – it will give us the opportunity to chat, exchange ideas about our doughty little boats. and generally chew the cud on sailing and other boating matters.

If you’re joining us by boat they’ll be the opportunity to tie up at Debbages Marina – high tide is about 5pm which is ideal. All good sailers like to plan ahead, so it you want to book a berth for the evening contact Chris or Linda at Debbages on 01473 601169 or 07774 694226.

Here’s hoping you can make it.

The MOA Committee