To comply with GDPR regulations this website gives you the option to delete all your account details should you ever wish to do so.

It’s simple to do, just click on your Account information from your profile picture in the top right-hand corner of the website and select “Account Details” and from there select the Delete Account link.

You’ll be prompted for your password in order to confirm the action, at which point all of your details will be removed, forever. Note that any Website Comments, Forum items or Posts that you’ve created will remain but the owner details will be transferred to the Webmaster.

Note that if you are a full Club Member with an annual subscription paid through PayPal you will need to cancel your subscription yourself by logging into your PayPal account and selecting the Payments option Accounts Payments. From there select the Manage Automatic Payments; option, ensure the “Show Active” option is selected, and you will see a line  “Macwester Owners Association”. Select this to see the details and click and confirm the “Cancel” option that’s provided there.

If you have any further questions about our website Deletion Policy please contact the website administrator at