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  • #3121
    Craig BodsworthCraig Bodsworth

    Hi all
    I’m very pleased to have recently purchased a macwester 26.
    I have an issue with the prop. I got the boat underway but very quickly lost all power. Engine revs gearbox is engaged and shaft is spinning but no power. I assumed the prop had fallen off but after drying the boat on the bank its still there!
    Does anyone know what type of fitting the prop may have? Engine is a bukh 20hp. I’m gonna attempt to get at the prop at the weekend but it’s half submerged in mud so gonna be tricky so a head ups may be fruitful.
    Many thanks

    Chris NixonChris Nixon

    Hi first check the gear box oil
    If the prop is spinning it will make a noise check the key way on the inside first then the prop
    You can give me a call

    Craig BodsworthCraig Bodsworth

    Didn’t suspect gearbox as shaft is spinning lovely. Key way inside? I assumEd woodruff key in prop was the issue

    Craig BodsworthCraig Bodsworth

    Call would be great Chris 07479 030188 thanks

    Craig BodsworthCraig Bodsworth

    Sussed it! The clamp on the shaft joint was loose. Simple fix should refloat her tomorow night

    Chris NixonChris Nixon

    Glad you got it sorted.

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